Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Bees might sting someone tonight!

Where is Baldwinsville, NY? Well, it's a village in Onondaga County. The population was 7,053 according to the 2000 census. Traditionally, their school district athletic program has been the butt of jokes within Syracuse city limits. I know because I was one of the main people, figuratively, cracking ribs and vertebra with laughter. It wasn't anything personal because Manlius Peeble Hill, Fayetville-Manlius, and Christian Brother's Academy tickled my funny bone as well. All the schools that were known for their high standardized test scores (and nonexistent racial diversity) were the worst at sports. Well, times have changed. F-M has an awesome track program; CBA has sponsored every athletic immigrant Madonna wouldn't adopt and they have an incredible soccer team. MPH is still MPH...

However, the Baldwinsville Bees deserve the spotlight. Their football team is 10-0. They won their first sectional crown in 20 years. When you see footage of Malik Burks rushing 243 yards or hear about starting Senior QB, Niko Manning's dedication, you can't help but wish the team the best as they head towards their next conquest. Tonight they play Union-Endicott in the state quarterfinal game at 1700hrs (that's 5PM for you civilian types). If you think I'm connected to these guys, your kinda right. I work in the Baldwinsville school district. But, I still live within the Syracuse city limits which makes it weird. The Bees are a group of good kids with raw talent, maturity, and utmost sportsmanship. You can't find a trace of a smirk on my face as I sincerly wish them the best of luck tonight and for many seasons to come!


  1. I do not live anywhere near Syracuse. I come from downstate, Staten Island, NY. I have never heard of these teams mentioned in the article, but they sounded pretty terrible. But as they are beginning to improve I would have to wish them all the best too, even if I did have an emotional attachment to another team. If a team is having an outstanding season, it is only in good sportsmanship to wish someone the best on the rest of their season, no matter how bad or good your own team is doing.

  2. Wow, this is really cool I hope that they win their game tonight and will be soon to be 11-0. I love that you are kinda stuck in between the two. It shows that you still have ties with your school but are stuck in limited boundaries of the syracuse area. I unfortuantely have never heard of this team before and do wish them luck. My school never had a football team, soccer was just our thing. I get extremely excited to attend football games because I was never able to as a child. Good Luck!!!

  3. i really enjoyed a LOT that you wrote about this. A local team. I actually ran in baldwinsville its a great area. It is interesting how many peopel dont really know about that area im glad that you opened their eyes to it. You went away from the traditional and talked about something that i never would have thought about. Nice job! And great info, thanks!
