Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Terrell, meatloaf, and me

Have you ever watched the T.O. show on VH1? I can't speak for other people who visit this blog, but I promise I won't laugh if you have contributed to the ratings. In fact, I have been known to change to his show and put the tv on mute while I watched him swim across the pool. I imagine he's saying, "Yolanda, you make the best meatloaf...Yolanda, your smarter than Condolezza Rice..."

Unfortunately, my dreams aren't his reality. Let's put that on a grander scale. As much as we (the fans) fantasize all athletes are nice people, some aren't. Yet, being unpleasant or annoying doesn't mean they lack sportsmanship. If you watch ESPN and read the billion sports blogs in cyberstadium, Terrell Owens has been getting a bad rep for several years. Some of that was based on injuries. The majority were people jumping on the bandwagon saying things ranging from, "he's arrogant" to "he's a bad example of sportsmanship." One writer called him the "C" word---a cancer. Until recently, I believed the hype. Then I looked at his record. If you ignore the last couple of months or so, he has performed at a high level. I heard about all that hype with Garcia and I still believe Owen's, um let's call it, "unpolished interview skills" may have gotten him into more trouble than his intent. Besides, remember when Kobe was accused of sexual assault and Shaq started singing like a canary? Basically he said Kobe was an unfaithful freak way before this incident. Teammates run their mouths. That's immaturity or inappropriateness at it's worse. I still don't see the poor sportsmanship. Oh yeah, he spikes the football and puts on a little touchdown show. Not cool and he's paid the fine, or should I say fineS. I really think that whole thing is the equivalent to a NBA player dismissing the easy layup for a grand slam dunk. It's embarrassing to the defensive player but somehow it breaks the monotony of up and down the court. And the crowd wants it as much as the peacock displaying his (or her) spectacular skills. Am I so overwhelmed by those Hershey biceps that I'm missing the big picture? Can't wait for an answer. My radar has detected a missed handshake between Belichick and McDaniels that takes priority!

...Yolanda don't leave me alone with all this money
...You're the only one who understands me


  1. I have to disagree with you on the topic of T.O. although I think he is a great athlete, he really shouldnt get all of the attention he has. You open up your statement about the T.O show, why should he get his own show on VH1? Is he that great? I think he is a good athlete but I don't think he should get all of the recognition that he has about his teams. He is with Buffalo Bills now and they are not the best team in the NFL. If he woudlnt have signe with them he wouldnt be playing this year. Also, I live close to the Buffalo area and can you believe on the six o'clock news that they post the "T.O Twitter of the Day"? Does that not sound ridiculous to you?

  2. Mmm idk i dont agree with Alyson here. Granted i dont think that there should be shows like that on television because i feel dumber after watching them. And what are shows like that really contributing to our minds? Although i liked the fact that once again you went the opposite route and thought outside the box. I actually never doubted that T.O. was a bad person because i dont believe half of the crap the media says anymore, but there are some who do. It is just sad that people have to rip others apart not only to get a "good" story, but because they have nothing better to talk about...or so they think...

  3. Can't say I've ever watched the T.O. show, but I know that bad teammate + controversial figure + great talent, somehow = TV show. However, I guess it doesn't equal ratings. TV executives said the T.0. show had the same ratings as late night Fresh Prince, which made me LOL because Fresh Prince is one of my all time favorite shows. There is a common fact between T.O., the Shaq and Kobe feud, and a tremendous slam dunk - that is MEDIA ATTENTION. That's why TO gets a show, and David Stern secretly want the San Antonio Spurs out of contention, and the Knicks in the playoffs. Sexy sells, and controversial deffiently sells. Say what you want about TO, but he has proven time and time again that he is sports worse teammate.
