Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mr. James, I had to take it there!

I am a hip hop junkie. I'm not in the closet. I don't need a recovering member of the Four Tops to lead an intervention for me. Just give me a Public Enemy cd and I'm high. But a dose of Jay-Z will suffice during hard times.

Last night I was watching his latest video and you'll never guess who had a cameo...Lebron James! I understand why Jay has Kanye West, the biggest baby in rap, appearing in his videos. They are on the same label. But, to add another? Oops, I said I wouldn't bash athletes. Let's put it this way, he's challenged, "in a gracefully defeated" way and I'm mad Jay even gave him a spotlight. Yes, it's been 90+ days since Cleveland lost to LA during the NBA playoffs. Both teams played well and the better team won, of course. However, all of that was quickly overshadowed by the selfish unprovoked act of Lebron. Why didn't he shake hands?

The entire city of Akron, OH idolizes him. He gives bikes to children during the Summer and school supplies during the Fall. I didn't read this in a tabloid. Shawn, my ex-boyfriend, has developed a Stan/Eminem relationship with Lebron. He tells me the poor man's schedule and activities way too often. I know he was ranked #1 for points per game during the playoffs. I realize he kicks butt in free throws. He's not exactly Carmello Anthony or Earl "the Pearl" Monroe but he's good. Which leads me back to the question: why didn't he just shake hands?

I heard that he didn't like to lose and to shake hands was an acceptance of his loss. BULL! Basketball is a team sport. If other members of the team can "humble" themselves, then he should be able to as well. Also, the Cavaliers have an impressive record. This means other teams have taken the time to shake hands in the face of defeat. This is bigger than sweaty palms touching. If that was the case, no one would ever go near Dennis Rodman. It's about tradition and good sportsmanship. In my opinion, neither are negotiable.

Excuse me while I sneak a sip of New Boyz...


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Yolanda. If you ask me, not shaking hands was not only unsportsmanlike, but it was immature, selfish and rude. LeBron is one of the most amazing athletes I have ever seen in my life. The things he can do with the rock are ridiculous. I think just about every young basketball player in the world probably idolizes him enough to worship the ground he walks on. He's a role model and more influential than probably the president and the pope. Not shaking hands after a loss shows how much of a sore loser he really is and also relays a message to the youth around the world that it's okay to be unsportsmanlike which I find to be unnacceptable. I have lost quite a bit of respect for him since this incident and it hurts to say that. Thanks for bringing that up and letting me get that off my chest.

  2. First off, that was a really enjoyable post to read. I like all of the old school hip hop references. Your right, there seems to be a strong correlation between the poor attitudes of Kanye and Lebron. I'm not going to even get into Kanye's insanity at the VMA's last night. Although Lebron is one of the most spectacular talents to ever grace a TV screen, he lost most of my respect for not shaking hands with the Lakers. TJ already touched on the fact that kids all around the world will get the wrong impression after this selfish act. This however brings up theme of responsibility again. The Michael Phelps incident was discussed in another blog. Certain athletes just have to uphold a certain demeanor on and off the court. America doesn't care if your still young. If kids look up to you, you better act right. I'll admit, I've had my fair share of on the field blowups and behavior problems. However, I influence no one, Lebron influences millions. For that reason alone, he needs to grow up and act like a man. Maybe, he's been taking too many lessons from his boy Kanye...

  3. Your first line i automatically had to come down to the comment box. I know im a white girl, blah blah blah, but i actually have been dancing hip-hop since i was in elementary school. My mother took me to some ballet classes and i did jazz, tap, ballet, and modern but i fell in the love with the upbeat style of hip-hop. Plus, i felt like i was breaking away from my shell in a sort of way. And for the rest of your article, i love the fact, and i will say this over and over, that you have a spunky attitude when you write. Your writing is unique because of it. Good article and i really liked the last paragraph, i completely agree with you!
